Regular readers might recall an intervention made at this blog by somebody called B K Lisenbee. Mr Lisenbee arrived in my inbox a few months ago full of self-righteous bluster and threats of legal action because I had reproduced 'his' photos of Jane Bowles.
Mr Lisenbee's demand that the pictures be removed was met. That, apparently, isn't enough attention to satisfy him. He now wishes to edit my writing also. He has, not to waste time on reaching a point, no chance in hell. Unless he wants to spend the money to engage international lawyers, he is stuck.
Just as I said before, if Mr Lisenbee had sought a negotiated outcome or even been polite, everybody would be better off today. Instead he came barreling in breathing fire and threatening lawyers.
I do not endorse or tolerate that kind of behaviour. It is called bullying here. Perhaps it's considered normal behaviour in the US?
For one so keen to deploy lawyers, Mr Lisenbee is surprisingly ignorant of the laws around publishing. If he is too uneducated to know that he gave me implicit permission to post his email, I can't really be held to blame. Letters to the editor not intended for publication need to be marked as not for publication.
The game is playing out by the rules invoked by Mr Lisenbee- the law and nothing but the law.
Ignorant of his passion for the strict adherence to the law, Mr Lisenbee has refused my requests that he stop his on-going harassment. I have now forwarded his latest assault to his server and the Australian Federal Police's new 'cyber-crime' unit. Under local law at very least, Mr Lisenbee is unambiguously guilty of harassment.
Those of you who know me, know that I will go to great lengths for a consensus outcome on most things. Mr Lisenbee left no room for negotiation. He arrived bearing threats like any impotent bully would. Now he wants me to remove that truth from publication for his convenience. Sorry, buttplug, the world doesn't work that way.
Again, I'm left wondering who has benefitted from this and how Jane Bowles would feel about so trivial a squabble going on over her memory?
p.s. if anyone can find where the disputed pictures have been hidden to lie in waste I'd love to hear from you. It took me well over half an hour.
you can contact Mr Lisenbee at [email protected]
The surest way to make a monkey of a man is to quote him.
-- Robert Benchley