I've lifted this wholesale, it's Australian public property. Highlighted in blue is one of the most provocative things said about Warhol subsequent to his death. I have a couple of responses but I'm saving them for now, the proposition warrants consideration.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
LOCATION: http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2006/s1672358.htm
Broadcast: 26/06/2006
Pop art icon continues to wow the critics
Reporter: Mark Bannerman
KERRY O'BRIEN: Now to the man who's been called the "father of Pop Art", Peter Blake. Long before Andy Warhol arrived on the scene, Blake realised celebrities and industrial design could have their place in art. In the 1960s he was so hip that when it came time for the Beatles to make a cover for their psychedelic masterpiece 'Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band', they called on him. And , or Sir Peter as he's now called, has continued to produce art for numerous pop bands and art galleries ever since. Mark Bannerman reports.
MARK BANNERMAN, REPORTER: Say the words "pop art" and one man comes to mind. His name - Andy Warhol. But if Warhol perfected the form, you may be surprised to know, the true father of Pop Art came from the other side of the Atlantic. His name, Peter Blake.
SIR PETER BLAKE, ARTIST: My interpretation would be that there was a dinner party in London with a group of young artists, a critic called Lawrance Adderway, and that at that dinner party he invented the phrase to describe the work I was doing at that point. I mean, that's my story. There would be a million other stories.
MARK BANNERMAN: That's your story and you're sticking to it?
SIR PETER BLAKE: Sticking to it, and it's true.
MARK BANNERMAN: Controversial this may be, but Peter Blake has some major supporters. In the late '50s and early 1960s, Blake's work was deemed so groundbreaking the film director Ken Russell made him the centrepiece of this documentary called 'Pop Goes the Easel'. The emphasis on 'pop'.
SIR PETER BLAKE: Well, what I was trying to do, and it didn't succeed, if you think of an art equivalent to music, you've got classical music, you've got Beethoven and Mozart. At the other end of the spectrum or in a different area, you've got pop music. But what I wanted to do was an art equivalent. If a girl liked Elvis to listen to, I hoped that she would like my painting of Elvis.
SIR PETER BLAKE (ARCHIVAL FOOTAGE): This is a Kim Novak wall. I've done other walls...the Everly Brothers, Superman and Shirley Temple.
MARK BANNERMAN: If making art accessible to the people seems innocent enough, that's not the way it was seen 40 years ago. With their do-it-yourself quality, Pop Art paintings like these created outrage. But there was a sense in which Pop Art was something that apparently almost anyone could do, and it was a kind of a con, was that ever put to you?
SIR PETER BLAKE: Well, again, that wasn't what I was doing. I mean, you could accuse Andy Warhol of that, for instance. I mean, you could say, "Well, there's no reason for instance, why the Warhol industry ever had to stop when he died." Because the technicians could still make it. There must be a library of images that he left and quite often he didn't sign his pieces anyway. So that industry could go on.
MARK BANNERMAN: And that, of course, begs a major question about Andy Warhol. What's your view of him as an artist now, all this time on?
SIR PETER BLAKE: He was, of all people, he was very subversive, I think probably quite cruel. He was incredibly clever.
MARK BANNERMAN: Do you think he was clinical?
SIR PETER BLAKE: Yeah, very.
MARK BANNERMAN: That disturbed you in a way?
SIR PETER BLAKE: It doesn't now, now I can understand - I suppose at the time, too, I was perhaps a little bit jealous of their fame and financial success.
MARK BANNERMAN: Jealous he may have been, but with Swinging London at its peak, Peter Blake was about to be offered a job Warhol might have killed for. The Beatles didn't want Blake to simply paint their portrait, they wanted him to do the cover artwork for their soon to be released masterpiece 'Sergeant Pepper's. The record was set up around a fictional band preparing to play a pretend concert. Peter Blake had a cover in mind.
SIR PETER BLAKE: I think what I brought to it was the idea that by building the whole thing in the studio, life-size, we could make a crowd that could be their ideal crowd. They could choose who they wanted their fans to be.
MARK BANNERMAN: Oh I see, so that was going to be the audience, in effect?
MARK BANNERMAN: So, in that sense, how much of it was their idea and how much of it was yours? They sort of gave you the brief and you had to come up with that audience.
SIR PETER BLAKE: Paul thinks it was all his idea. He'll claim the ground. If I don't claim what I did, he would assume he did it all and I think he believes that in a funny way. But I think my big contribution was this idea of the crowd and actually making it, making it happen.
MARK BANNERMAN: For many artists 'Sergeant Pepper's could have been the high point and the beginning of an endless decline. Not so for the now Sir Peter Blake. There have been many more record covers amidst a massive body of work. There had to be a Brian Wilson here, didn't there?
SIR PETER BLAKE: There was always going to be Brian Wilson.
MARK BANNERMAN: But if Sir Peter likes to keep pop at the centre of his work, he also knows like the stars he displays, he is ageing.
SIR PETER BLAKE: I'm 74 on Friday and there is a kind of countdown, I think, and I'm very conscious of that. In fact, the date on my birthday, I've decided I'm moving into my late period and so I'm going to have a stencil made that says, "Peter Blake, late period." And everything from then...it gives me carte blanche to be barmy like Picasso's late work. So who knows what will happen. I mean it's exciting now.
MARK BANNERMAN: Who knows, indeed. Sir Peter's latest project has been to redesign The Who's record cover for their new concert album. And while we're asking questions, there is one final one I wanted to hear the answer to, even if it is perhaps a little premature. So tell me this, what do you want them to say to sum you up when you're gone?
SIR PETER BLAKE: Well, um, if it can only be one phrase I I'd like it to be that "he made magic", which isn't really about the pop art so much, but I think "he made magic" would be a good one.
MARK BANNERMAN: Not a bad epitaph.
SIR PETER BLAKE: It would be a nice one.
KERRY O'BRIEN: Mark Bannerman with Sir Peter Blake, now officially barmy
M for Marilyn Monroe - Peter Blake
george michael is in trouble again. couldn't happen to a more deserving ponce! After all the shit he has given Boy George for being 'too gay' over the years I'd be happy to see his career destroyed. There is, IMO, absolutely no excuse for public sex of this kind in this day and age. As Boy so wisely observed-- 'can't he use a computer'?
why do banks take 48 hours to process a payment TO a credit card while they can deduct money instantaneously?
can anybody explain the difference between an incursion and an invasion? if a tank rolled into my neighborhood i think the semantics would become secondary.
we hear reports that visitor rooms at the Chelsea have gone up in price. a correspondent writes:
who made that hotel what it was! Pretty soon the only people staying there will be rich boring tourists or Britney Spears.
I am My Own Wife is headed my way in the original production. This review from the .au press has a major spoiler- be careful.
Still depressed at the idea that CBGBs will be gone forever. An example of what happens when one becomes a parody of one's self.
Second Life is an overwhelmingly expansive and conceptually dense virtual world allegedly taking the world by storm. It's worth a look. I suspect that I'm a bit too old to grasp the paradigm.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006 in Carrie's World, Commentary, Cultural History, Current Affairs, Dee Dee, Dumb People, George O'Dowd, Heroes & Icons, Hotel Chelsea, In the Blogosphere, nobody can hear you scream., mailbag, Manhattanophilia, Paranoia, Trash Celebrities | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)