We'll need to call the rest-home if today gets any better.
In this morning's mail, my signed copy of LITTLE JOE SUPERSTAR. Bliss! I have Joe's signature and it is, on quick inspection, a beautiful and surprisingly dense book. We consumed one chapter in a feeding frenzy over coffee and put the book down most impressed. What could easily have been little more than a collection of snaps of Joe, not inherently a bad thing by any means, turns out to be another source of well researched and documented background material for obsessing on the golden [silver?] years of Warhol. The only complaint is that it isn't indexed, I'll have to wait for Hotel Chelsea references as they occur.
If you want to secure a Joe Book follow this link through to the official website and start imagining what you might like Joe to write. The ordering info is in the left sidebar under 'Things for Chelsea Girls' for easy reference.
Excitement number two was finding posters for JACKIE CURTIS: SUPERSTAR IN A HOUSEDRESS available via eBay. The posters are signed by Jackie's dear friend, Holly Woodlawn & the book's author, Craig Highberger. Only six remain now that I've hit the 'send me to debtors prison' button. That takes me to having autographs from Little Joe who never gave it away, Jackie who thought she was James Dean for a day and Holly who came from Miami FLA. I also have Lou Reed who made these allegations...
I haven't seen / read Superstar in a Housedress yet, I'm up to my neck in Chelseaobilia right now. Reader reports are always welcome. The Jackie Curtis website is the best place to start your explorations.
For now, I happily endorse the Joe book as a good buy. Be prepared for delivery to take a little while if Joe is to sign the book but have no fear, the seller stayed in touch and the book did show up.
Jackie Curtis at eBay is probably accessible from this link, if it fails a search on 'Jackie Curtis' will yield the posters and a CD recording that looks too intriguing for words. Very honestly, I simply checked for 'one of those also' without too much thought. It's a Jackie Curtis CD from a 1968 musical- of course I want it.
Also interesting is this new Jackie Curtis project. A new independent film, written by the legendary Warhol Superstar Jackie Curtis, entitled, "Glamour, Glory & Gold, The Life & Legend of Nola Noonan, Goddess & Star!" is now in pre-production. Curtis' cousin, Joe Preston is directing, and producing the film under the name of his production company, Slugger Ann Productions
Ms Curtis is now listed under 'Things for Chelsea Girls'. The link should go to the eBay items. If all this has achieved no more than to confuse you, try this link FOR CENTRALISED JACKIE CURTIS NEWS AND INFO
Flag Burning
Police have removed from a Melbourne gallery an artwork that incorporates a burnt Australian flag
There was a time in this country when we didn't expend masses of practical and emotional energy on squabbling over whether burning the flag is reprehensible beyond forgiveness or simply an exercise in good taste.
But we aren't that country any longer. Now we have police pre-emptively seizing artworks on grounds that they might be naughty.
Persecution of artists is always a sure sign that a society is imploding. Like a hag avoiding mirrors, the challenge is to avoid seeing the truth at all costs.
A few years ago, efforts to prosecute a man for flag-burning failed because the Magistrate decided that s/he could not be certain that the flag was indeed an Australian flag and not one of very many that look remarkably similiar, most paricularly, New Zealand.
Flags of Australian and New Zealand. Can you guess which is which?
Monday, January 30, 2006 in Apocalypso- world in meltdown, Australian Stuff, Commentary, Current Affairs, Dumb People, Visual Arts | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)